ARC Found 69 Percent Jump in the Number of Visitors to Minneapolis
ARLINGTON, Va. – February 1, 2018 – According to new analysis by Airlines Reporting Corp. (ARC), Minneapolis can expect a big jump in fans flying in for Super Bowl LII, set to take place there on February 4. ARC found that average number of visitors arriving by plane jumped 69 percent compared to the average for the same week over the last five years.
Compared to the last two years, Houston, which hosted the big game in 2017, showed a 39 percent increase whereas 2016 host city Santa Clara, Calif. showed just a 9 percent gain.
According to ARC data, travelers flying to Minneapolis for the game paid an average ticket price of $488.
“While some of this gain is related to hosting the Super Bowl in a smaller metropolitan area this year compared to the recent past, I suspect some of the gain is a draw from the new U.S. Bank Stadium that has only been open since 2016,” said ARC’s Managing Director of Data Science Chuck Thackston.
The analysis includes tickets purchased through January 13 from U.S. travel agency locations, and online travel agencies for travel the week leading up to the Super Bowl, January 28 through February 3. Results do not include sales of tickets purchased directly from airlines. The average ticket price is for tickets settled through ARC for an itinerary that included travel to the Minneapolis area.
More information and data about air travel can be found on ARC’s website.
Hillary Smith
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