As we’ve seen this past year, the concept of exploring new frontiers and traveling our universe sparks creativity and stirs the imagination of so many. Here is your opportunity to enter a new realm: the Travel-Verse.
Now through November 10, participants can compete to develop innovative solutions to the air travel industry.
Using ARC’s comprehensive data, developers will dive into the travel environment to work together to explore new business applications and generate innovative ideas. The goal is to identify a trend that leads to a new prediction using ARC’s data, and to incorporate it into a marketable data product within the B2B or B2B2C space. Participants will present solutions to a judging panel, and three winners will be selected.
The Enter the Travel-Verse Hackathon is free and open to participants with data analytics, machine learning, programming, design and other technology skillsets. Participants can compete as individuals or in teams of up to four members. Senior developers and top leaders from ARC will be available online to help the participants with questions during the hackathon.
So, grab an energy drink or two, open your mind and Enter the Travel-Verse!