Final Deletion of HK Express

ARC will move forward with the final deletion of HK Express (HK/128) effective Sunday, June 18, 2023 (PED 06/18/23). Please submit any outstanding refunds prior to the deletion date. Please contact the airline directly at if you have questions regarding transaction processing.

Juneteenth Holiday Information

ARC offices will be closed Monday, June 19, 2023, in observance of Juneteenth Day.

Holiday Ticket Modification/Voiding Schedule

The GDS/IAR reconciliation dates for tickets issued from Friday, June 16, 2023, to Sunday, June 18, 2023, will be extended until Tuesday, June 20, 2023.

Sales Report Submission

Weekly sales reports for PED 06/18/23 must be authorized by 11:59 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.

Juneteenth Holiday Office Hours:

  • Monday, June 19: Closed

  • Tuesday, June 20: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. EDT

  • Wednesday, June 21: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. EDT

  • Thursday, June 22: 9 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. EDT

  • Friday, June 23: 9 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. EDT

NEW FRAUD ALERT: Inter-Africa travel bookings & inquiries for future Africa-to-Europe routes

ARC has received reports of a fraudulent email solicitation scheme. We’re alerting you about requests for assistance with corporate travel from an alleged oil and gas company whose name does not show up in a Google search but has a similar spelling to an actual company. Please be cautious when handling such requests since they typically involve inter-Africa travel bookings and inquiries for future Africa-to-Europe routes. Prioritize verifying unfamiliar inquiries to prevent potential fraud.

Please review the example of a fraudulent email below to familiarize yourself with typical signs of suspicious requests:

  • Grammar and spelling errors

  • Urgency in the request

  • Unusual or questionable routings

  • Statements demanding immediate payment

  • Promises for future business

Dear Agent
How are you today, hope you are fine, i got your contact from directory when we are shopping for a travel agency that can be handling our travel needs like Air Ticket, Hotel and Transfer

Kindly let me have the flight options and the fare quote of the below itinerary  for our guest that want to depart  from Various destination  to various destination.

Below is the itinerary, kindly go ahead and check the availability and send the fare quote plus options.

Below is the itinerary request.

DEPT:              10/06/ 2023
CLASS:             ECONOMY
Also check Lagos/London/Lagos for five passengers that want to depart from Lagos to London on 10/06/2023 and to returns to Lagos After two weeks, i will send passengers names as soon as you send fare quote and flight options for bookings

Treat as soon a possible and send the flight options for immediate payment.

Let me know the bank charges if i pay with visa card or master card.
Looking forward to hear from you asap

Purchasing Manager
Oil And Gas

Using the information available, ARC aims to notify Agent customers about potential exposure to fraudulent transactions and suspicious requests. We offer this information as an option to help mitigate any potential losses. Agents are responsible for making business decisions aligning with their risk management strategies.

Agents and agencies have a support network to help reduce risk and financial losses associated with unauthorized ticketing. Visit the support section of the ARC website to view our fraud prevention resources and on-demand webinars. Contact our revenue integrity team by calling 855-358-0393 or emailing

Tip of the Week: IAR Financial Detail List Print/Save Option

The Print/Save button for the IAR LF-Financial Detail list type on the IAR Home page allows agencies with multiple locations the option to create a report output that lists the individual sales report financial details for each of their locations. It works just as it does for the LS-Financial Summary and LC–List Counts list types on the IAR Home page.

The current LF-Financial Detail screen will continue to display the sales report financial details vertically for a single location or a summarized total of all locations under an HOL or branch host. Only the output delivered via the Print/Save button will produce a list of sales report financial details for multiple locations in a horizontal view in a spreadsheet or text format.

To produce the output, follow these steps on the IAR Home page:

  1. Select the LF-Financial Detail option from the List Type drop-down box.

  1. Enter 'ALL' in the ARC# field and the specific PED date (i.e., 16DEC18) in the PED field.

  1. Select the ‘Save List in Spreadsheet Format’ or ‘Save List in Text Format’ option and then press the ‘PRINT/SAVE’ button.

  1. A download popup will appear, prompting you to either Open or Save the resulting file.

The LF-Financial Detail output will follow the standard hierarchy for agency family relationships associated with the active IAR user:

  • Standard (Default view) – the ability to view that location plus all subordinate branches and STP locations.

  • HOL (Home Office Location) – the ability to view just the HOL or the HOL plus all of its branches.

  • Branch – the ability to view just that branch location or that location plus all of that branch’s STP locations.

  • Access Groups – the ability to view agency-created ARC# Access Groups of locations outside of the standard default view (ability to view only specific locations chosen by an IAR Administrator). 

The resulting output will display the financial details for the selected locations in a horizontal list under the following column headers: ARC#, Status, PED, Cash Sales, Cash Refunds, Net Adjust., AAD, Net Cash, Credit Sales, Credit Refunds, Net Credit, Total Fares, Total Taxes, Total Penalties, Total Exchange Adjustments, Total Sales, Net Cash, Total Commission, Net Remittance.


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