View the kickoff for ARC’s Fraud Awareness Month and learn about the leading fraud schemes impacting travel agents.

Fraudsters target travel agencies on a daily basis with schemes that range from simple to highly sophisticated. They target all types of agencies — whether large or small, online, leisure or corporate.

Attendees of this webinar will learn:

  • What fraud schemes are most commonly used
  • Why these criminals target travel agencies, and what they’re trying to gain
  • What lengths fraudsters will go to in order to appear legitimate
  • What kinds of tools fraudsters use to deceive agencies, including digitally altered passports, driver’s licenses, and credit card images

Join Doug Nass, ARC’s director of fraud investigations, to learn about the latest schemes and how ARC works to disrupt their illegal activities. Cornelius Hattingh, ARC’s director of agency compliance and fraud prevention, will also share an introduction to ARC’s Fraud Awareness Month.